Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Note that this wiki will have adult sexual things (High School DXD & CROSS ANGE) so if you're young, do not come here until you're older! Also do not edit any pages! This wiki is not for adding random events as it doesn't go with the main story. Also, you will be banned if you try to edit pages because your opinion doesn't agree with the facts that Grievous is a hero & the Jedi are villains in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. We don't care about your opinion since you're warped by biased portrayals, we ONLY SPEAK FACTS!


Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Star Wars: Grievous Hero - All Forgotten shortened to Grievous Hero - All Forgotten and commonly known as All Forgotten is the first installment of the multi-media project. It is a story created by GeneralGrievousHero4Life (DSD1-Dwarf Spider Droid). It is currently still being written. All Forgotten takes place before Heroes and HEROES.


After his duel with Ahsoka Tano, Grievous leaves Florrum and heads to Kessel as he finds a new sinister Jedi named Moon Ni Rin with a gold-hilted lightsaber, who is more obsessed with hunting and killing Grievous than any other Jedi. Meanwhile, Grievous and Dooku get into it as Dooku tries to replace Grievous. Will the heroic General be all forgotten or will he still serve his place in the Separatist Droid Army?

Story link

Star Wars: Grievous Hero - All Forgotten on ArchiveOfOurOWn

Chapters (Episodes)

Season 1

Season 2


