The B-series battle droids or the B-series is a heavily mass-produced series of battle droids used primarily by the Trade Federation, Techno Union, and Confederacy of Independent Systems up to and during the Clone Wars. The B-series is fielded mostly by the Separatists & New Separatists, who used vast numbers of these droids to overwhelm their enemies including evil Stormtroopers. The B3 Ultra Battle Droid was never mass produced though.
Battle Droids[]
- B1 Battle Droid
- Driver Battle Droid
- B1 Battle Droid Lieutenant
- B1 Battle Droid Sergeant
- B1 Battle Droid Captain
- Assault B1 Battle Droid
- Firefighter Battle Droid
- Rocket Battle Droid
- Droid Marine
- B2 Super Battle Droid
- B2-HA
- B2-RP Super Battle Droid
- Super Battle Droid Rocket Trooper
- B2 Flamethrower Super Battle Droid
- B3 Ultra Battle Droid
- BX-series droid commando
- BX-series droid commando captain
- Grievous Hero: Battles of the Clone Wars – "The Rise of The Grievous Legion" (First appearance)
- Grievous Hero: Battles of the Clone Wars – "The Adventures of Super's Battle & STAP Battle"
- Grievous Hero: Battles of the Clone Wars – "Malicious Sisters"
- Grievous Hero: Battles of the Clone Wars – "Assault on Kessel"
- All Forgotten – "Orders" (First physical appearance)
- All Forgotten – "A New Threat"
- All Forgotten – "The Battle of Kashyyyk"
- All Forgotten – "Grievous Hero vs Legends Grievous Villain"
- All Forgotten – "Rising Malevolence II"
- All Forgotten – "Shadow of Malevolence II"
- All Forgotten – "Heroic Revenge"
- All Forgotten – "The Capture of Grievous"
- All Forgotten – "The Rescue of Grievous"
- Heroes and HEROES – "The Meeting"
- CROSS GRIEVOUS – "The Arrival"