Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Note that this wiki has been officially moved HERE. This old wiki however is staying here so GeneralGrievousHero4Life can look at old history of older parts of the story. Move to the new wiki as the info here is outdated!


Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
This page is about the battle droid classes. You may be looking for the B1 battle droid often known as the battle droid.

Battle droids are any kind of droids programmed for war. Battle Droids were created by the many factions that made up the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and were seen throughout the Clone Wars. A year after that ended, many of them make a comeback for the New Confederacy of Independent Systems fighting the Galactic Empire. They are nicknamed "clankers" by the Clone troopers and Stormtroopers since when they march they make a clanking sound as they walk.


The Battle Droids are loyal, heroic, and sometimes war-happy. It usually depends on certain droids but for the most part they serve their heroic leader, Grievous as they tend to get on the hero's nerves with their idiotic personalities which makes the heroic General destroy them in furious rage. Though, other times the battle droids can be cruel and disloyal to Grievous and not caring about others feelings.

The Imperial battle droids that are created by the Empire, however, are evil.


Firefighter Battle Droid

B-series battle droids[]

These droids are part of the B-series battle droids and fight the war.

B1 line up

B1 Battle Droids.

OOM-series battle droids[]

These droids are the predecessors to B1 Battle Droids that have different ranks to command armies, secure bases/ships, drive vehicles, or command tanks.

Super Battle Droids

The B2 lineup from left to right:B2 Super Battle Droid, another B2 Super Battle Droid, and a B2-HA Super Battle Droid

Other Droid Classes[]

Bodyguard droids[]

Imperial battle droids[]

