Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Note that this wiki will have adult sexual things (High School DXD & CROSS ANGE) so if you're young, do not come here until you're older! Also do not edit any pages! This wiki is not for adding random events as it doesn't go with the main story. Also, you will be banned if you try to edit pages because your opinion doesn't agree with the facts that Grievous is a hero & the Jedi are villains in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. We don't care about your opinion since you're warped by biased portrayals, we ONLY SPEAK FACTS!


Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
B2-HA (Ringo Vinda)
Production information



Geonosis Droid Factory

Product line

B-series battle droids




Battle Droid

Technical specifications

1.93 meters


Masculine programming

Sensor color


Plating color


Chronological and political information

Boulder is a major hero in multi-media project. He is a B2-HA series super battle droid born during the First Battle of Geonosis after the Jedi conquered it. He stayed in hiding and helped the heroic Poggle the Lesser during the Second Battle of Geonosis. However, the Jedi destroyed Poggle's heroic forces and captured the Archduke. Boulder however escaped with his Geonosis OOM command battle droid brother Sparky and continued to make sure battle droids were built on Geonosis. In 20 BBY, Boulder & his brother Sparky later was recruited under the command of the heroic General Grievous during the Clone Wars & The Last of the Droids. Alongside his brother, Sparky, the two heroic Battle droids serve General Grievous with respect and never backtalks to the heroic General. He was named Boulder due to his heaviness.


Boulder is a funny, heroic, smart, and strong B2-HA series super battle droid. He was named "Boulder" due to his bulkiness and strength. As the leader of the B2-HAs, Boulder takes his position with respect and cares for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Born on Geonosis, he was chosen out to be with the heroic General Grievous during the Assault on Geonosis and the heroic cyborg took a liking to him.

As one of Grievous's allies, Boulder and his Geonosis OOM command battle droid brother, Sparky get along well and fight for the Confederacy. Unlike the rest of the B2-HAs, Boulder will not charge into fight like the others. Boulder has a one rocket arm and fires warheads or regular missiles and stands 1.93 meters tall just like a regular B2 super battle droid or a T-series tactical droid.


The Clone Wars

The Last of the Droids


Munificents and Droid Control Ships
The Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Boulder.


2008 Grievous calls in his MagnaGuards
The Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki has a relationship section for Boulder.

