Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Note that this wiki has been officially moved HERE. This old wiki however is staying here so GeneralGrievousHero4Life can look at old history of older parts of the story. Move to the new wiki as the info here is outdated!


Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Grievous's Recusant-class light destroyer
Star ship Info

Grievous's Recusant-class light destroyer


Recusant-class light destroyer

Technical specifications

AurebeshSans-Serif credit 12,000

Modified Systems:

1,187 meters


157 meters


163 meters

Max. Speed:

2,800 G




21 BBY

First Sighting:

Battle near the Arda system

Present for Battles/Events:

Grievous's Armada

Known Owners/Commanders:


Grievous's Recusant-class light destroyer is a command ship used by the heroic Supreme Commander of the Confederate droid army, General Grievous at the Battle near the Arda system, Battle of Saleucami, the Attack on Obi-Wan's Fleet, the Battle of Kessel, the Battle of Kashyyyk and many other battles during the Clone Wars and The Last of the Droids.


Control Bridge[]

Grievous's Recusant-class light destroyer's control bridge has 8 Driver battle droids manning it. The Recusant-class didn't have a chair for Grievous so he had to stand and control the bridge. It also had electro binds to hold the evil Jedi Council member Eeth Koth and sinister Jedi Master Moon Ni Rin.


Grievous's Recusant-class light destroyer carried 40,000 Battle droids (B1s, B2s, BXs & many more), 240 Droid Fighters, including Vulture Droids, Hyena-class bombers, Droid Tri-Fighters & Trade Federation Droid Bombers, Grievous's custom Belbullab-22 starfighter Soulless One and several Sheathipede-class transport shuttles, including Grievous's Sheathipede-class shuttle. It can also carry up to 2 C-9979 Landing Crafts under the hull of the ship prepared for very quick landing.


The Clone Wars[]

Capture of Eeth Koth[]

The heroic General Grievous attacked the villainous Eeth Koth and used his Recusant-class light destroyer and 3 Munificent-class frigates against the evil Venator-class Star Destroyer Steadfast. Grievous then boarded the Steadfast and fought Eeth Koth, capturing the villain.

Battle of Saleucami[]

The Jedi went to rescue their fellow sinister Jedi fellow and headed to Saleucami to rescue the fiend. Grievous's heroic Recusant-class light destroyer was already over Saleucami with the same three Munificent-class star frigates he used previously. The heroic General was soon met with 3 Venator-class Star Destroyers, a Republic Light Cruiser, and Consular-class cruisers. The heroic Separatists, after Grievous's orders, engaged the sinister Republic Fleet as Grievous's destroyer heroically fired dual laser cannons at the fiendish Republic while Grievous went to stop Obi-Wan Kenobi's villainous plans once and for all by using his Recusant to board Obi's Light Cruiser and engaged the sinister Jedi in a duel. While his Recusant, commanded by his personal T-series tactical droid, TV-94, the Jedi Knights tried to rescue Koth, who was held in the heroic Recusant's bridge, but Grievous already a trap set for the sinister Jedi, with TV-94 unleashing BX-series droid commandos in the Bridge but sadly, the villainous Jedi killed the droid commandos and TV-94 himself, rescuing Eeth Koth, and heading back to capture the heroic General, still dueling the sinister Obi-Wan, but managed to escape the fiend to Saleucami's surface, leaving a OOM command battle droid in command of Grievous's heroic forces. The ship later sent a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle to rescue the heroic Grievous from the dreaded Jedi and it did. Once that, Grievous Hero retreated the battle and left Saleucami.

Attack on Obi-Wan's Fleet[]

Grievous's Recusant appeared during the Attack on Obi-Wan's Fleet. It provided the Confederacy of Independent Systems with Droid Fighters and later launched Grievous's Sheathipede and Droid Gunships to board the sinister Kenobi's Venator. The Recusant survived the battle and went to Florrum when the heroic Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies invaded the planet.

Going to Kessel[]

Battle onboard Grievous's Recusant[]

Battle of Kashyyyk[]

Part of Grievous's Armada at Sector Four[]

The Last of the Droids[]

