Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

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Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Imperial-II class Star Destroyer
Imperial-II class Star Destroyer
Star Ship Info

Imperial-II class Star Destroyer


Kuat Drive Yards

Product Line:

Star Destroyers


Imperial-II class Star Destroyer


Star Destroyer


AurebeshSans-Serif credit 145,670,000


1,600 meters

Maximum acceleration:

>2,300 G


KDY ISD-72x deflector shield generator domes (2) (local area-effect)


Republic usage

Imperial usage


Republic usage

Imperial usage


Republic usage:

Imperial usage:

Year Introduced:

19 BBY

  • 1 main hangar under the hull
    • Splits into several other hangars for TIEs and Shuttles

The Imperial-II class Star Destroyer, shortened to the Imperial-II also known as the ISD-II (Imperial Star Destroyer-II) and formerly known as the Imperator-II class Star Destroyer is a Star Destroyer model that was derived from the Imperial-I class Star Destroyer used during the late part of the Clone Wars by the evil Galactic Republic. It is later more frequently used by the Galactic Empire during The Last of the Droids. In some cases the Imperial-II can be referred to as the Imperial Star Destroyer and Star Destroyer which can be easily confused with the Imperial-I.


Weapons, Design, and Complement[]


Diagram of the Imperial-II

There are differences between the Imperial-I and the Imperial-II, such as the tractor beam globes being replaced with a communications tower. The ship is built to have more firepower than the Imperial-I a stronger hull, and stronger defensive shields. Rather than the Dual Laser Cannons and the heavy ion cannons that flanked the first ship, the Imperial II has batteries of eight-barreled turbolasers or ion cannons in octuple barbette turbolasers. Another new feature includes two parallel "claws" for grappling smaller starships placed in the ventral secondary docking bay. They carry the exact same complement of Stormtroopers and TIE starfighters.


Despite these weapons, the Imperial-II has numerous problems, such as breaking down easily. Though there are many more problems that have yet to be exploited by the New Confederacy of Independent Systems , the ship continues to be formidable against other enemies.


The 2 Star Destroyers can easily be confused by the sensor array on top of the Imperial-class Star Destroyers towers. The Imperial-I has support beams running diagonally across it. These are later substituted for vertical ones during a minor refit, which make the array look similar to the one on Imperial-II vessels. To identify them, the Imperial-I has Dual Laser Cannons flanking the tower's side while the Imperial-II has octuple barbette turbolasers flanking tower.


The Clone Wars[]

Imperator-II class Star Destroyers were made for the evil Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars era after one of their Imperator-I class Star Destroyers was destroyed during a test run. However, several of these Imperator-IIs were made and only one of them was finished but was destroyed by the heroic Grievous and Arzenal resulting them to use more Imperator-Is.

The Last of the Droids[]

By the time of the evil reign of the Galactic Empire, Imperator-IIs, now called Imperial-II class Star Destroyers, were used more in the Imperial Navy.


