Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

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Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Imperial-I class Star Destroyer
Imperial-I class Star Detsroyer
Star Ship Info

Imperial-I class Star Destroyer


Kuat Drive Yards

Product Line:

Star Destroyers


Imperial-I class Star Destroyer




AurebeshSans-Serif credit 150,000,000


1,600 meters

Maximum acceleration:

>2,300 G

Hyperdrive System:



KDY ISD-72x deflector shield generator domes (2)


Republic usage

Imperial usage


Republic usage

Imperial usage


Republic usage:

Imperial usage:

Cargo capacity:

36,000 metric tons

Other Systems:

TIE Racks

Year Introduced:

19 BBY

  • 1 main hangar under the hull
    • Splits into several other hangars for TIEs and Shuttles

The Imperial-I class Star Destroyer shortened to the Imperial-I, also known as the ISD-1 (Imperial Star Destroyer-1) or commonly known as the Imperial Star Destroyer or the Star Destroyer and formerly known as the Imperator-class Star Destroyer and the Imperator-I class Star Destroyer is one of the Star Destroyers used by the evil Galactic Republic during the late part of the Clone Wars. It is later mainly used by the evil Galactic Empire during The Last of the Droids era. Imperial-I Star Destroyers are the main ships used in the Imperial Navy.



The Imperial-I's weapons are very impressive but when the Imperial-II was created, the Imperial-I is just a standard Star Destroyer. The Imperial-I possesses a main battery of six heavy turbolasers and two heavy ion cannons, arranged in four dual mounts flanking the ship's tower structure. The rest of the Star Destroyer is covered with 2 Quad heavy turbolasers, 3 Triple medium turbolasers, 2 Medium turbolasers, 60 Taim & Bak XX-9 heavy turbolasers, 60 Borstel NK-7 ion cannons, and 10 Phylon Q7 tractor beam projectors. Protecting the hangar are two large ventral turbolasers, which sat near the corners of the massive hangar. Modified Imperial-Is have Proton Torpedoes tubes. Like the Imperial-II, the Imperial-I can carry SB-920 Heavy Cannons for Ship-To-Ship Combat.

Bridge Tower[]

Imperial-Is Cross-section

The Imperial-I's cross-section.

The command bridge tower of the Imperial-I class Star Destroyer is massive, and the command bridge followed a design similar to that of many other KDY warship classes, such as the Venator-class, the Executor-class designs. The sensor array on top of the Imperial-Is tower has support beams running diagonally across it. These are later substituted for vertical ones during a minor refit, which make the array look similar to the one on Imperial-II vessels. The two globes atop the bridge tower serve two purposes: aiding both in hyperspace communication and deflector shield generation. The proximity of the deflector shield generators make the bridge tower one of the most protected parts of the Star Destroyer. Inside the Bridge, it has several Imperial Crews 1 Imperial Officer commanding it on the Command Walkway.


The Imperial-I class Star Destroyer usually carries 6 TIE Squadrons for a total of 72 starfighters inside its hangar. The attack hangar is located on the underside on the ship and is guarded by a set of armored doors. TIE fighter service and refueling bays, and TIE launch hangars surround the main hangar. TIEs are launched from cycling racks and TIE Pilots board from overhead gantries and are released into space as they disengaged from the front position in the racks.

Imperial-Is Under View

The underside of the Imperial-I class Star Destroyer.

Returning fighters land in separate hangars and then are guided by small tractor beams into receiver-carriers. The receivers carry the TIE to a debarkation station where the pilot exits. Once moved through the transfer tunnels to a launch hangar, the fighter is serviced and refueled in a separate bay. In the hangar, the TIEs are cycled through a launch rack and ready for the next launch. The small forward hangar is for Imperial Shuttles carrying high-ranking officials. The forward hangar is also used as a back-up to the main hangar.

These ships carry 9,700 troopers, as well as massive war vehicles such as AT-AT and AT-ST walkers. Sentinel-class landing crafts and other landing crafts are used to deliver ground assault forces to a planet's surface.

Role and Weaknesses[]


Close-up of the Imperial-I's bridge.

As mainly a Destroyer, the Imperial-I can be a Carrier, Cruiser, and in some cases, a Command Ship. The Imperial-I class Star Destroyer's weaknesses are the Deflector Shield Generators, the Reactor, and the Bridge. This makes it easy for Droid Fighters to destroy the Imperial-I very quickly and easily.

Notable Imperial-Is[]


The Clone Wars[]

The Last of the Droids[]

Searching for the remaining Jedi that betrayed the Republic's loyalty[]

After the Clone Wars, Curtis was commanding a squadron of: 13 Imperial-I class Star Destroyers and 15 assault cruisers. After Commander Fox gave the orders to Curtis, he took the Imperial-Is and Acclamators to Fresia. After they found nothing except old Droid Control Ships and old light destroyers, the fleet went to Ringo Vinda which ended up leading to their first battle.


