Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Note that this wiki has been officially moved HERE. This old wiki however is staying here so GeneralGrievousHero4Life can look at old history of older parts of the story. Move to the new wiki as the info here is outdated!


Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
KiAdiMundi TCW

Ki-Adi-Mundi was a evil Jedi Master that served on the Jedi Council sometime prior to the blockade of Naboo. He was also present when Qui-Gon Jiin presented Anakin Skywalker who he request to be trained as a Jedi and possible be the chosen one. He was also present during the Separatists Crisis. During the Clone Wars, Mundi participated in the Second Battle of Geonosis and committed genocide on the Geonosians. He was constantly fighting in the Myegeeto campaign but would come back to Coruscant off and on. During the near end of the Clone Wars Mundi led the Galactic Marines in the Battle of Mygeeto and was killed by his own men after Order 66 was activated.




Ki-Adi-Mundi was a psychopath Jedi much like the rest of his fellow Jedi.



