Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Note that this wiki has been officially moved HERE. This old wiki however is staying here so

can look at old history of older parts of the story. Move to the new wiki as the info here is outdated!


Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Nix Card




Height of average adult

1.9 meters

Skin color


Hair color


  • Three hearts
  • Elongated skull
Average lifespan

Over 100 years old


Muuns are tall, thin humanoid species that live on the planet Muunilist, which is also the headquarters of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Muuns are known for their mathematical and financial skills, which led to them being sought out for many companies.


Muuns are tall and gaunt humanoids with thin bodies and elongated heads with hairless craniums. They also have pasty-white/pale pink to grey skin, most likely because the vast majority of the species do not like traveling, even on-planet, and usually stay indoors. Muuns have tiny ears on the middle of the sides of their heads. In addition they have flat noses, and slim mouths. Muun voices often sound nasally, due to their small noses.

Muuns have long arms and legs, making them appear very gaunt. They also have very thin waists and long, thin fingers. Members of the species also have three hearts, one normal heart and two that were consciously controlled, a trait often used to increase blood flow in low temperatures. This also may have contributed to a longer life-span.

Muuns are extremely intelligent, and both greedy and cautious when it came to business ventures. They are lured to profitable and vulnerable economic situations or opportunities, yet took long thought before committing themselves to a business deal. Muuns' talent with money stemmed from their extremely valuable mathematical and statistical skills. Muun children are known to calculate complex mathematical formulas as quickly as most adults of other species could.

In addition to being greedy and cautious, Muuns also deem themselves to be a reserved, mature species, capable of controlling their emotions, and deem other species as immature, and feel no remorse in exploiting them, if need requires them to do so. Muuns possess a drive to compete with other races and even among themselves, which also contributes to higher rates of economic output anywhere Muuns are located. Muuns also have a fundamental respect for fairness and justice, however, and regard a contract as almost a sacred trust. Muuns are known to always follow the letter of the law, though often not the spirit.

