Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Note that this wiki has been officially moved HERE. This old wiki however is staying here so GeneralGrievousHero4Life can look at old history of older parts of the story. Move to the new wiki as the info here is outdated!


Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Nix Card is a male Muun who served as a representative of the InterGalactic Banking Clan in the Galactic Republic Senate during the Clone Wars. In 19 BBY, the IGBC joined the New Confederacy of Independent Systems and Nix was in commanded of the InterGalactic Banking Clan Headquarters. In 18 BBY, Muunilinst was under attack again by the Galactic Empire and Nix and his personal T-series tactical droid TA-178 commanded the ground forces.


Nix Card is a very responsible Muun banker that cares for his credits. He also carries highly for the Separatist New Order of peace and during the Clone Wars he met with Senator Amidala to negotiate with peace terms until evil Dooku sent a full invasion of peaceful droids to Scipio. Nix can be bossy sometimes as he tried to boss the heroic General Grievous around but Grievous quickly put the banker in his place, saying he doesn't take orders from him, only Count Dooku. Since then, Grievous & Nix patched their relationship up. Nix also seems to treats his Battle Droids with respect. He and his T-series tactical droid TA-178 get along very well during battles. He worries about his homeworld, Muunilinst, a lot and fears if the Galactic Empire destroys Harnaidan, he will die. He stands 2.46 meters tall and carries no weapons with him.



During the 2nd Battle of Muunilinst Nix Card and TA-178 were inside the InterGalactic Banking Clan Headquarters. When Nix told the battle droids they needed a tighter defense, TA-178 told Nix they had to destroy the walkers. Nix knew but he also knew they had to contact Clu Lesser in space since they were losing the forces. TA-178 later suggested they needed a new strategy, and Nix agreed. His strategy was to send the OG-9 Homing Spider Droids and Corporate Alliance Tank Droids to attack the Imperial forces first, have the Armored Assault Tanks and IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tanks attack second, and finally have the battle droids attack last. TA-178 agreed with the plan and Nix commanded the T-series tactical droid to prep the Harnaidan defensive cannon and the B1 Battle Droids inside the headquarters did.

