Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Note that this wiki has been officially moved HERE. This old wiki however is staying here so GeneralGrievousHero4Life can look at old history of older parts of the story. Move to the new wiki as the info here is outdated!


Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
OOM pilot battle droid clone wars
OOM pilot battle droid
Production information

Trade Federation

Product line

OOM-series battle droids


OOM pilot battle droid


Battle droid

Technical specifications

1.91 meters


Masculine programing

Sensor color


Plating color

Beige and Blue


E-5 Blaster rifle (Some cases)



Chronological and political information

OOM pilot battle droids or commonly known as Pilot Droids and also called OOM Pilot Droids are B1 battle droids used for piloting vehicles, vessels, and control bridges during the Clone Wars. They later made a comeback for the New Confederacy of Independent Systems helping Admiral Trench fight the Galactic Empire during The Last of the Droids era.


OOM pilot battle droid

Full body of the OOM.

OOM Pilot Droids are set apart from the other droids by the blue markings on their shoulders, upper part of their chests, and on their torsos. Some cases, OOM Pilot Droids' heads are blue instead of beige. They are used to pilot ships such as the Providence-class carrier/destroyer or the Munificent-class star frigate, but can also pilot tanks such as the Armored Assault Tank. They are never armed with weapons, as they were not built to fight. In some cases, OOM Pilot Droids carry weapons so they could be protecting whatever the Confederacy and later New Confederacy wanted them to protect. While somewhat smarter than the average B1 battle droid, they are still prone to moments of stupidity.


The Clone Wars[]

Battle of Kashyyyk[]

Several OOM pilot battle droids were seen driving Platoon Attack Crafts and Multi-Troop Transports during the Battle of Kashyyyk, assisting the heroic cyborg General Grievous in attacking the Republic fortress stationed there.

The Last of the Droids[]

Ringo Vinda[]

Command Center (Ringo Vinda Space Station)

OOM pilot battle droids control the Ringo Vinda Space Station.

OOM Pilot Droids were first seen on the Ringo Vinda Space Station. 2 Pilot Droids OOM Pilot Droid 1 and OOM Pilot Droid 2 helped Trench in the Infiltration of Coruscant. 5 Pilot Droids piloted the Ringo Vinda Space Station under the command of their OOM Commander Droid.

