Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Note that this wiki has been officially moved HERE. This old wiki however is staying here so GeneralGrievousHero4Life can look at old history of older parts of the story. Move to the new wiki as the info here is outdated!


Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Rafa Martez is a human female smuggler who, along with her younger sister Trace, lived on Level 1313 on the planet Coruscant. She developed a sense of bitterness towards the malicious Jedi Order after their parents' deaths during the pursuit of Ziro the Hutt. During the Clone Wars, Rafa met the former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. After bonding with Tano and learning she was a former Jedi, Rafa & Trace told Tano the truth about their parents which made Tano wake up from her delusions and realize that the Jedi aren't the heroes and they did become the villains of the Clone Wars in fact. The Martez family would help Ahsoka anytime she wanted.

After the heroic cyborg General Grievous was captured by evil Jedi Mace Windu, he was placed in the Republic military base. After Tano rescued Grievous with an unusual crew, they met up with Trace & Rafa as Tano wanted them to aid in the destruction of the Jedi. Trace and Rafa agreed and became part of Grievous's Crew to destroy the villains once and for all.


Rafa is a skilled manipulator as she is able to convince others to make deals with her. Despite her shady dealings, Rafa often becomes involved in various dealings to provide for her sister and herself since they had lost their parents. As a result of the loss of their parents, Rafa is a mother figure to Trace, becoming very protective of her and often telling her that they only had to rely on each other. Unlike Trace, Rafa was not open to people and did not trust anyone, even if they befriended her sister. Rafa was suspicious of Ahsoka Tano, suspecting she was hiding something from her and her sister or was after something that they had. She was also willing to leave Tano behind once, despite showing some concern for her. However, during and after their escape attempt, Rafa started to get along with Tano.

After the Jedi killed Rafa's parents in the pursuit of Ziro the Hutt and didn't care about it or help her and her sister afterwards, Rafa developed resentment towards the Jedi. After finding out Ahsoka was a former Jedi Padawan, Rafa showed a viewpoint on how the Jedi should act through compassion and productiveness after seeing Tano helping her and Trace instead of the villainous zealots the Jedi currently are.


The Clone Wars

The Last of the Droids

