Republic Military | |
General information | |
Leader(s) | |
Notable members |
Headquarters | |
Historical information | |
Founding |
25,053 BBY |
Reorganization |
19 BBY, as the Imperial Military |
Other information | |
Era(s) | |
Affiliation |
The Republic Military comprised the army and naval forces—the Grand Army of the Republic and the Republic Navy, respectively—of the Galactic Republic. Formed as a result of the Separatist Crisis and the ensuing Clone Wars, the Jedi-led clone forces fought against the Confederate droid armies across the galaxy for roughly three standard years. By the war's end, Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine used his control over the Republic military to exterminate the Jedi, resulting in the fall of the Jedi Order and the Republic's reorganization into the first Galactic Empire. The Republic military consequently transitioned into the Imperial Military.