Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

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Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Secutor-class Star Destroyer
Star Ship Info

Secutor-class Star Destroyer


Kuat Drive Yards

Product Line:

Star Destroyers


Secutor-class Star Destroyer


Star Destroyer


2,200 meters

Hyperdrive System:


Hyperdrive rating:
  • Class 2 (primary)
  • Class 14 (secondary)
  • 15 Heavy turbolaser batteries
  • 15 light turbolasers
  • 15 battleship ion cannon batteries
  • 16 medium ion cannons
  • 12 Tractor beam projector

Republic version

Imperial version


14,000 Clone troopers/Stormtroopers

Year Introduced:

20 BBY


Two ventral hangar bays


Republic Military/Imperial Military


The Secutor-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Secutor-class battlecarrier, is a carrier in the evil Republic Navy and later the Imperial Navy.



The Secutor-class is 2.2 kilometers long and has two ventral hangar apertures, serving primarily as a carrier. Its length and volume would normally have put it in the battlecruiser-scale of the Anaxes War College System, specifically under Star Cruiser, and it is even given the alternate designation of Secutor-class battlecruiser because of this, but it is lightly armed for its size, and had extensive carrier-capability and was instead designated as a Star Destroyer. The carrier is one of the largest dedicated craft in the Navy.

It is crewed by 40,000 personnel, and had enough consumables to last for two years in voyage.


Compared to other Republic Navy/Imperial Navy vessels of its size (e.g., the Allegiance-class battlecruiser), this Star Destroyer class is very light in terms of weapons output, merely possessing 15 heavy turbolaser batteries, 15 light turbolasers, 15 battleship-class ion cannon batteries, 16 medium ion cannons, and 12 tractor beam projectors, several of which lined the dorsal superstructure, on a diagonal ridge in front of the command tower. The light weapons screen, as well as the carrier role it serves, is the primary reason for it being officially considered a Star Destroyer instead of a battlecruiser despite its size being closer to the latter scale.


The Secutor-class is designed with a double command tower, in a style reminiscent of the contemporary Venator-class Star Destroyer. The command bridge is designed with dual crew pits where operators for the Republic and operators for the Republic/Empire are stationed to control the ship's various functions. Officers patrol walkways above and have a panoramic view to the outside.


Owing to its primarily being a carrier, the Secutor-class carries 144 Republic Fighters and later during The Last of the Droids, TIE series starfighters, as well as various other small craft, various walkers and over 14,000 troops: enough military forces to subjugate a planet. This carrier role, plus the noted light weapons screen it possessed, is the primary reason why it was designated a Star Destroyer by the Anaxes War College System despite its size being closer to that of a battlecruiser.


The Secutor-class Star Destroyer can be used as a command ship or flagship capable of leading a specific task force or flotilla, surrounded by smaller escorts. Alternatively, it can also be used to escort larger Star Dreadnoughts, and battleships, and carries sufficient assorted materiel to easily lay siege to a planet.

Known Secutors[]

  • Secutor


The Clone Wars[]

The Last of the Droids[]

