Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Note that this wiki has been officially moved HERE. This old wiki however is staying here so GeneralGrievousHero4Life can look at old history of older parts of the story. Move to the new wiki as the info here is outdated!


Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Osi sobeck in cis mobile command pod
Separatist command center
General information

2-4 B1 battle droids or OOM-series battle droids


Confederacy of Independent Systems

Physical specifications



The Separatist command center or CIS mobile command pod is a command pod for the heroic Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. It is used for a mini command center. The mobile command pod came back for the New Confederacy of Independent Systems during The Last of the Droids being renamed the New Separatist command center or New CIS mobile command pod.


The Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized command centers during the Clone Wars. Typically staffed by B1-series battle droids or OOM-series battle droids, and in numerable cases, a T-series tactical droid or an organic overseer like Grievous or Osi Sobeck, they are disc-shaped platforms inlaid with computer consoles, and were supported by four thick and arching fang-like limbs, which cumulated in stabilizing flaps spreading outwards, and bore opposing boarding ramps on two sides. It has a ramp on each side to allow people/droids to walk up the pod. Due it not having armament or cover, the CIS mobile command pod must be protected and sometimes it's inside a Confederate Outpost/New Confederate Outpost.


The Clone Wars[]


TZ-33 CIS mobile command pod

TZ-33 in his heroic command pod.

A CIS mobile command pod was seen on Feluica during the second battle. It was commanded by heroic T-series tactical droid TZ-33.

Battle of Lola Sayu[]

Osi Sobeck commanded a CIS mobile command pod while he was searching for the Jedi villains.

Battle of Kashyyyk[]

During the Battle of Kashyyyk, heroic Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies Grievous used a CIS mobile command pod to command the battle. A OOM command battle droid also stood on the mobile command pod to command the battle while Grievous fought evil Jedi Kae Tae Tae & Legends Grievous

The Last of the Droids[]

