Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

Note that this wiki will have adult sexual things (High School DXD & CROSS ANGE) so if you're young, do not come here until you're older! Also do not edit any pages! This wiki is not for adding random events as it doesn't go with the main story. Also, you will be banned if you try to edit pages because your opinion doesn't agree with the facts that Grievous is a hero & the Jedi are villains in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. We don't care about your opinion since you're warped by biased portrayals, we ONLY SPEAK FACTS!


Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki
Star Wars: The Last of the Droids Wiki

"The Rescue of Grievous" is the ninth chapter of All Forgotten.


After his capture, the heroic General Grievous awaits execution under orders of the Supreme evil Chancellor Palpatine. However, two females decide to go rescue the Outright Heroic General while anti-hero Kaleesh cousin of Grievous Super's Battle comes up with a plan to rescue Grievous and attack Coruscant!


Chapter 9
Hero captured! After leaving to save Separatist Council Member Wat Tambor, heroic cyborg General Grievous was captured by evil Jedi Master Mace Windu. Not knowing the battle was a set-up by Count Dooku & Darth Sidious, Grievous is held as a prisoner of the evil Republic. Meanwhile, someone wants to sell Grievous off to highest bidder to get good credits and plans to break into the Republic military base! Now, General Grievous waits his execution...


Note: This list is incomplete

By type 
Characters Creatures Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

  • Kaleesh
  • Geonosian (First TV Show appearance)
  • Kerkoiden (First TV Show appearance)
  • Human
  • Mirialian (First TV Show appearance)
  • Togruta (First TV Show appearance)
  • Iktotchi
  • Zabrak

